Tomorrow is the due date for my entire first rough draft of my e-Harlequin and I am exhausted.

And unfinished.

I think I'm OK with that.  I did what I could.  I worked my donkey off, putting in hours and hours of writing and research, and it still wasn't enough.  It's too bad there aren't bonus points in life for trying.

It is now just after 4:30 am, so I suppose that would make the due date for this assignment due today.  In 7.5 hours.  That would be fine, although I haven't slept in days, so anything I do write will be incoherent.  And 3 of those 7.5 hours will be spent in other classes.  Plus travel time--can't forget that.  And a shower would be nice.  No, better make that a bath--I don't want to pass out from fatigue and crack my head open (Yay! My maternal instincts are really kicking in!).

My stomach has been ridiculously upset lately.  Some food stays down, some doesn't.  And no, I'm not pregnant.  (I know--I took a test.)  I think it is all the caffeine I have been living on as of late--anything to keep me awake.  Except drugs of course.  Ya, that's just not me. 

Although I have considered one thing.  Of course do you think I can remember what it is?  Probably caffeine pills.  Whatever Jessie took in that episode of Saved by the Bell to help her study.  But then I saw how that episode ended--not well.  OK, that's not really true.  Every episode ended well, like most of scripted TV.  Yay for happy endings.  Jessie got through her exam week, although I believe she was passing out or falling over or something, she recovered from her "drug abuse" thanks to good friends like Zach and Lisa, and continued on with her high school life to become validictorian.  

Wait a minute!

That's not true!  Samuel "Screech" Powers actually had a higher GPA than Jessie did!  But he's such a nice guy (who is only mildly retarded), and knowing how badly Jessie wanted the honour, he gave it up unbeknownst to her.

But wait!  Throw in gossipy Lisa Turtle and a slip of the tongue and all was revealed.  Alas, Jessie said a few words, then passed the mic on to Screech, who passed it on to....Zach?  What the hell?  That's the dummest writing ever!  Why?  He barely graduated!  He was a terrible student and a worse actor, but he gets to give the commencement speech?  Saved by the Bell, you make no sense!  Good thing you stopped the show there and didn't spend anytime in College or in Vegas for a wedding, or on any new classes.

But now I've gone on and rambled.  If only I could write the rest of my book about Saved by the Bell.  And the Golden Girls.  (Oh that Blanche.  She was a fiery one!  Retired men of the world, beware!)  Also, I think it would do everyone a great deal of good if the day could be saved by a platypus named Ovide.  (Ovide Video anyone?  Not ringing any bells?  You obviously weren't a very good Canadian child growing up...Nothing but high quality programming produced in this country!)

Now back to my book after a long, long distraction of my tween years.  So it's due in a few hours.  It's not done.  I'm close, though, I do finally have a semi-idea as to where it's going.  I've finally plotted all of that out.  I just can't think werelynx any more.  Except for right here, because I'm not trying to impress anyone or get this published and sold online for $1.99 to $2.99 a read.  Although I would be happy to accept most forms of payment for your reading pleasure, should you feel such pleasure from reading such.

In the meantime, I have another script to write.  No, make that three (a sketch, a monologue, and a full-length play).  Dang.  It just never ends does it?  Well, only 40 more days of classes until exam week and winter break.  Awesome.  40 more business days until I get to go to bed!

These past few weeks I've worked really hard.  Really hard.  I suppose I deserve a reward for my efforts.  Something that doesn't contain caffeine ("God, please no more caffeine!" she said as she thought about how else she could possibly stay awake tomorrow on zero sleep!), but I haven't got a clue what I'd like.  Aside from rest and a night of no homework.  No, make that a week of no homework.  Man I miss you, summer! 

(And I miss you, too, Ovide!)
10/27/2009 06:27:39 am

I miss Ovide Video too! My favourite was always Polo.


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